Voorbereidingen Wereldjongerendagen Polen 2016

emma 2016 WJD

In the middle of September we had a meeting in WYD Committee in Cracow. It was a fruitful time: a lot of certain questions, answers, ideas, inspirations! For the first (and not last :)) time we met to prepare for Emmanuel Community’s participation in WYD in 2016. Enthusiasticly we told the members of the Committee about life as brothers and sisters in the Emmanuel Community, we were discussing details of our participation in WYD, we shared our dreams and ideas, desire to set the hearths of young people on fire of God’s love! We are waiting for July 2016 with joy! And we’re happy about the great cooperation! However we kindly ask you also to help us with prayer and if it’s possible by concrete action.


Prayer for World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow

“God, merciful father,
in your son, Jesus Christ,
you have revealed your love
and poured it out upon us in the Holy Spirit, the comforter,
we entrust to you today the destiny of the world and of every man and woman.’
We entrust to you in a special way
young people of every language, people and nation:
guide and protect them as they walk the complex paths of the world today
and give them the grace to reap abundant fruits
from their experience of the Krakow World Youth Day.

Heavenly Father,
grant that we may bear witness to your mercy.
Teach us how to convey the faith to those in doubt,
hope to those who are discouraged,
love to those who feel indifferent,
forgiveness to those who have done wrong
and joy to those who are unhappy.
Allow the spark of merciful love that you have en-kindled within us
become a fire that can transform hearts and renew the face of the earth.

Mary, Mother of Mercy, pray for us.

St. John Paul II, pray for us.”

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